Eddie Butita, a comedian and writer, has revealed how much money he received from the Netflix contract, claiming that he made enough money to not work until 2029.
Butita was part of the team member that developed and directed the Swahili adaptation of The Upshaws for Netflix.
Butita claimed in an interview with Radio Maisha on Wednesday that the deal was worth more than Ksh. 13 million.
“Nilishtuka sana nikasema dah, nani anaekelea pesa kidogo ivi kwa internet, naeza ata nikafungwa wakiona ninataja pesa kidogo ivo kwa internet, yaani ata wanaeza shtuka sana waseme huyu kijana kwanini anaharibia kampuni jina.”
The comedian, however, stated that he is not permitted to discuss the terms of his payment due to the conditions of his contract; yet, he hinted that the money had given him a good position in his life, even joking that he would not have to work until 2029.
“Kulingana na mkataba sikuruhusiwa kutaja mambo mbili tatu kuhusu mshahara, lakini naeza sema nilipona kimaisha. Hii ni pesa ambayo nafikiria mimi nitarudi kazi 2029 apo October, it made me appreciate the value of content. For the first time nilitengeneza pesa ya content pure ambayo kimaisha yangu, ilinishtua”
Butita also mentioned that working with Netflix has always been a dream of his, but he hadn't expected it to happen so quickly in his career.
“Nimekuwa nikitaka kufanya kazi na Netflix, nilikuwa nafikiria ni kitu nitatafuta kwa muda mrefu, nitume barua, waniambie come tomorrow."
“Wakati nafika kuandika makaratasi ndio narealize ni Netflix hii, It came as a surprise and I didn’t know I was that ready for it.” Butita added.
Butita had been writing for several comedians in Kenya before landing the Netflix deal, though he claims that not many comedians want to reveal this.
“Kutoka 2011, nimekuwa naandikia comedians wengi ata pale Churchill show, lakini sio wote wanapenda kusema ya kwamba wameandikiwa, Wakenya hawapendi kusema lakini kule nje ni kitu ya kawaida sababu inaonyesha uko na team.” Butita said.